Hanna Brophy
Lien Unit Event title
California’s workers’ compensation law permits claims for payment of services rendered to an injured worker “applicant” to be filed as a lien against their workers’ compensation benefits claim. Typically, these lien costs are borne by the defendant after the case and chief have been settled.
With the recent surge in lien filings and associated costs, Hanna Brophy has developed a specialized lien unit staffed with highly skilled and experienced professionals. Our lien unit is dedicated to providing unparalleled attention to each case and ensuring prompt, cost-effective resolutions for our clients. Through rigorous analysis, strategic negotiation, and expert representation at the Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB), we are committed to minimizing the undue costs that liens can impose on a claim.
At Hanna Brophy, we understand the impact of liens on the overall costs of a claim and are committed to providing our clients with comprehensive and effective lien defense services. Our ultimate goal is to minimize these costs and provide our clients with the best possible outcomes.
did you Know?
Our 14 offices throughout California afford our clients with local representation. Our attorneys are a constant presence at the local boards and have gained the respect of the judges as well as their opposing counsel.
Name/Title | Number | City | Vcard | ||
213-201-1827 | Los Angeles | Vcard | ||
213-943-4821 | Los Angeles | Vcard | ||
213-550-4376 | Los Angeles | Vcard | ||
213-550-4382 | Los Angeles | Vcard |