Special message regarding COVID-19

Labor Code section 132a and Serious

& Willful Misconduct Event title

With recent changes in workers’ compensation laws and with the decrease in permanent disability benefits, we expect a significant increase in petitions alleging violations of Labor Code section 132a as well as petitions alleging serious & willful misconduct. Return-to-work issues are also a bigger potential minefield than ever before. With the increase of FEHA litigation, these claims are complex to defend. It is imperative that employers have an attorney who is experienced with these
overlapping issues in order to defend their interests.

Learn from our expert
Learn about the initial information your attorney needs to know when employers are dealing with CAL/OSHA investigations of accidents and complaints from Partner, Pat McAleer. Hanna Brophy keeps up with law changes in the penalties, requirements, and Federal/OSHA levels.
Name/Title Number City Email Vcard PDF
951-824-2995 Los Angeles Vcard PDF
415-281-4466 Salinas San Jose Vcard PDF
916-233-3963 Lodi Sacramento Vcard PDF
916-233-3953 Lodi Sacramento Vcard PDF
510-446-2126 Oakland Vcard PDF
559-473-4125 Fresno Vcard PDF
415-281-4465 Oakland Salinas San Francisco San Jose Vcard PDF
530-224-5006 Redding Vcard PDF
916-233-3965 Lodi Sacramento Vcard PDF
661-431-1152 Bakersfield Vcard PDF
707-508-4285 Santa Rosa Vcard PDF
530-224-5004 Redding Vcard PDF
415-281-4462 San Francisco Vcard PDF
530-224-5002 Redding Vcard PDF
661-431-1155 Bakersfield Vcard PDF
510-446-2157 Oakland Vcard PDF
951-824-2984 Riverside Vcard PDF
415-281-4460 San Francisco Vcard PDF
559-473-4140 Fresno Vcard PDF
415-281-4477 San Francisco Vcard PDF
415-281-4468 San Francisco Vcard PDF
415-281-4463 San Francisco Vcard PDF
951-824-2997 Riverside Vcard PDF
661-431-1157 Bakersfield Vcard PDF
916-233-3961 Lodi Sacramento Vcard PDF
530-224-5001 Redding Vcard PDF
213-943-4805 Los Angeles Vcard PDF
510-501-9649 Santa Rosa Vcard PDF
213-943-4816 Los Angeles Vcard PDF
510-446-2102 Oakland Vcard PDF
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